Best Practices For Appium That Every Developer Should Know

Appium Training In Chennai

As an automation framework that can interface with the user’s test script, the Appium Server, and the emulator or actual device on which the script is being run, Appium is a model open-source product. This well-known framework is well-liked for testing web, mobile, and hybrid apps. Because Appium is cross-platform, users can create test scripts for standard operating systems like Windows, iOS, and Android using the same API. In this blog, we will discuss the Best Practices for Appium That Every Developer Should Know; Join the Appium Training In Chennai offered by FITA Academy to improve your knowledge and ability.

Best Practices For Appium


Test automation aims to reduce labour requirements, increase test speed, and decrease mistake proneness. Because it takes longer and requires more resources, executing test scripts on one device at a time appears paradoxical. Running a test script on as many devices as possible should always be the goal when adopting test automation because it enables you to find compatibility issues, obtain immediate results, and quickly iterate on any issues found. 

Use The Right Locators

To properly test every required component of an application, quality assurance personnel must be adept in using a variety of Appium locator tactics. Ultimately, the automation process is only worthwhile if the scripts identify the necessary components.

Use Page Object Model

Any program will typically undergo significant upgrades and modifications over time. As the program develops, locators associated with specific elements are also changed, making them obsolete in test scripts that were previously developed. If you want to learn more, join Appium Online Training to enhance your ability.

Run Tests On Real Devices

Every year, the number of devices released rises significantly. When conducting application testing, one of the primary goals of every testing team is to address this issue, also known as device fragmentation. Ensuring that the application is dependable and usable across several device/OS/browser combinations is crucial to ensure you get all the potential clients.

Use Appium Logs

The Appium Server can create a comprehensive reporting structure and information log. Appium Logs are daunting to many. When a test script runs, a bewildering flood of logs provides details on the test script running, but many are cryptic and difficult to understand.

  • The stack traces for any failures that occurred during the execution of the test are frequently seen in the logs. These are frequently an excellent place to start when troubleshooting and locating  application or test script faults that need to be corrected.

The logs also display the default and preferred capabilities specified throughout the test. The Appium server’s behavior can be comprehended and altered with the help of these features. If you want to learn more about Appium, join the Training Institute In Chennai, where you can improve your knowledge and ability.

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